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ICS 360 integrates new digital domains into the corporate security model, including both cybersecurity and cyber intelligence.

Prevention, protection, and surveillance are key concepts: They allow us to avoid serious problems that can paralyze a business, lead to the loss of an important contract, incur possible sanctions, or even lead to the company’s disappearance.

Currently, it is not enough to act after an attack has already occurred. Companies must strive to prevent potential threats, mitigate risks, and anticipate adequate information that allows them to make the best decisions at all times.

Therefore, we bring our experience in loss prevention, early warning, and a 360° comprehensive security vision, and work both locally and on international projects thanks to our network of professionals and experts.

We bring our experience in loss prevention, early warning and 360º comprehensive security.

Team ICS 360

Team ICS 360

ICS 360 is made up of a highly committed and experienced multidisciplinary team in multiple fields of action. In this way, we can offer the most appropriate solutions to any challenge our clients may pose to us. Loyalty, experience, rigor, confidentiality, effectiveness, innovation, organization, clarity, and responsibility are concepts deeply ingrained in our purpose as a company [raison d’être].